Where is Rybolov?

Posted September 21st, 2009 by

Been busy lately.  This is a quick rundown on where I’ll be over the next couple of months so you can stalk me.

  • October 5-7: SecTor, Toronto, ON, Canada.  I’ll be talking about “Massively Scaled Security Solutions for Massively Scaled IT” which an allusion to the size of the US Federal Government IT budget and techniques that they use to manage it.  The Rybolov Layered Information Security Management Model seen here earlier weighs heavily into the presentation, as does a ton of other ideas trying to get people to understand that hazy information security management area above the enterprise.
  • November 6-7: DojoCon, Laurel, MD.  I’ll be talking about the “Current State of Compliance” which somewhere along the lines has a punchline of “It’s going to happen anyway, might as well drive the bus instead of being under the bus”.  There is also a compliance panel following my talk and I’ll be on it with Cyberhiker and Dan Philpott.
  • November 10-14: AppSec DC, Washington, DC.  I’ll be running amok making part of the conference work.  I’m not speaking at this one which is a good thing because, well, everytime I start talking web apps and security it takes me back to all the bad code I wrote in the late 90’s.  But hey, didn’t we all?

So in between preparing slides, running amok as a volunteer, and the usual work-life imbalance, I haven’t had much free time lately to add to the blog.  Plenty of ideas and blog fodder are floating around inside my head.  After the conventions I’ll put up my materials for the rest of the world to pick on.

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Posted in Speaking, The Guerilla CISO | 5 Comments »

5 Responses

  1.  Mini-Me Says:

    Where can I get a Rybolov groupie t-shirt since you are a big shot now?:)

  2.  rybolov Says:

    I’ll bring you along and you can tune my powerpoints.

  3.  Darren R. Couch Says:

    UNSAT. I see no itineraries in there for the stalking of fishes. Must correct this deficiency for a Go at that station.

  4.  rybolov Says:

    Naw, fish is not an activity I want to be stalked on. Besides, did you see my big bass pictures on twitpic?

  5.  Darren R. Couch Says:

    yes I did- ‘specially liked that ya caught him on a red popper from (insert name of big box store here). 🙂

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