Been There, Done That, Took Lots of Photos

Posted November 11th, 2008 by

It’s not a big secret: in 2004 and 2005, I took a “yearlong Government-funded sabbatical to South-West Asia” also known as “I got activated with the National Guard and went to Afghanistan”.

Anyway, since it’s Veteran’s Day and all of that, feel free to peruse my photo collection on Flickr.

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Database Activity Monitoring for the Government

Posted November 11th, 2008 by

I’ve always wondered why I have yet to meet anyone in the Government using Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) solutions, and yet the Government has some of the largest, most sensitive databases around.  I’m going to try to lay out why I think it’s a great idea for Government to court the DAM vendors.

Volume of PII: The Government owns huge databases that are usually authoritative sources.  While the private sector laments the leaks of Social Security Numbers, let’s stop and think for a minute.  There is A database inside the Social Security Administration that holds everybody’s number and is THE database where SSNs are assigned.  DAM can help here by flagging queries that retrieve large sets of data.

Targetted Privacy Information:  Remember the news reports about people looking at the presidential candidate’s passport information?  Because of the depth of PII that the Government holds about any one individual, it provides a phenomenal opportunity for invation of someone’s privacy.  DAM can help here by flagging VIPs and sending an alert anytime one of them is searched for. (DHS guys, there’s an opportunity for you to host the list under LoB)

Sensitive Information: Some Government databases come from classified sources.  If you were to look at all that information in aggregate, you could determing the classified version of events.  And then there are the classified databases themselves.  Think about Robert Hanssen attacking the Automated Case System at the FBI–a proper DAM implementation would have noticed the activity.  One interesting DAM rule here:  queries where the user is also the subject of the query.

Financial Data:  The Government moves huge amounts of money, well into $Trillions.  We’re not just talking internal purchasing controls, it’s usually programs where the Government buys something or… I dunno… “loans” $700B to the financial industry to stay solvent.  All that data is stored in databases.

HR Data:  Being one of the largest employers in the world, the Government is sitting on one of the largest repository of employee data anywhere.  That’s in a database, DAM can help.


Guys, DAM in the Government just makes sense.


Problems with the Government adopting/using DAM solutions:

DAM not in catalog of controls: I’ve mentioned this before, it’s the dual-edge nature of a catalog of controls in that it’s hard to justify any kind of security that isn’t explicitly stated in the catalog.

Newness of DAM:  If it’s new, I can’t justify it to my management and my auditors.  This will get fixed in time, let the hype cycle run itself out.

Historical DAM Customer Base:  It’s the “Look, I’m not a friggin’ bank” problem again.  DAM vendors don’t actively pursue/understand Government clients–they’re usually looking for customers needing help with SOX and PCI-DSS controls.



London is in Our Database photo by Roger Lancefield.

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Auditors and LULZ

Posted November 6th, 2008 by

Yes, auditors are the source of many lulz for those of us, mostly because they ask silly questions off of their script.

But hey, it’s a hard job to do, and I have lots of respect for auditors.  A good auditor is worth their weight in fibre runs any day of the week.

funny pictures

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In Which Our Protagonist Discovers We Need More Good Public Policy People Who Understand Security

Posted November 4th, 2008 by

Note the emphasis on good.  Note the emphasis on public policy.

Yes, folks, we need good policy people.  Think about the state of security and public policy today:

  • We have FISMA which is a law.  Everybody’s whipping boy but it’s exactly where it needs to be to have risk-based management of IT security.
  • We have a framework for implementing FISMA.  It’s a pretty good set of process, policy, and standards that have spilled over into the private sector.
  • You need a crowbar to get good/smart security people to deal with politics, it takes a death ray to get them to deal with public policy.
  • We don’t have high-level policy-makers who understand risk management and they are co-opting the model of compliance.
  • Public policy is the upstream neighbor of information security and what public policy people do influences what we do.
  • If we want to succeed in security at the operational and tactical level, we need to have the right decisions made at the strategic level, and that includes public policy.
  • I’m not just talking about security and the Government, this is also with things like breach laws; compliance frameworks (PCI, HIPAA); and how unpatched and zombified desktops hurt everybody else.

So in true Guerilla CISO style, I’m doing something about it.  Armed with my favorite govie (who is actually the lead on this, I’m just a straphanger), The New School of Information Security (Hi Adam and Andrew), some government policy directives, and the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, I am teaching an Information Security Management and Public Policy class for Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz School.

The more I work with the Masters of Science in Public Policy Management program, the more I’m sold on it.  Basically the students do a year on-campus in Pittsburg, then they have the option of staying there or coming to DC.  The students who come to DC work a 32-hour week (some do more), 2 night classes, and class for most of Friday.  Our information security class fits in as a sector-specific deep-dive, the other one being healthcare (which needs smart public policy people, too).

Which is where we need some help.  It’s a little behind the game, but we’re constantly looking for Government agencies, NGOs/NPOs, and contractors who are interested in taking on interns.  Even better if you have jobs that don’t have a US citizenship requirement.  If you want to be linked up, just drop me a line.

And oh yeah, my blogging has slowed down because I’m working 2 new projects and traveling to Tennessee and teaching Thursday nights and my life just got way busy.  =)


Alexander Hamilton Statue photo by dbking.

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