CISO’s Book of Death

Posted April 19th, 2007 by

Back in my army days, most good leaders carried around a book with info on their squad.  We jokingly called these our “Book of Death”.

Anyway, I aggregated all the spreadsheets I’ve used over the past year, sanitized them, genericized them, and put them up on the web.  Feel free to borrow heavily or let me know what maybe needs to be added or expanded.

Really, I’m just testing the waters to see if there is interest in taking something like this on as a full project or if it should remain a Mike Smith skunkworks project like it has been so far.

CISO’s Book of Death V0.1

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Posted in Army, ISM-Community, Risk Management, What Works | 3 Comments »

3 Responses

  1.  visor Says:

    thanks for putting up this book of death up =)

  2.  rybolov Says:

    Hey, no problemo. I’ll be revising it over time and adding more content, but if anything is broken or you want to change it, let me know. =)

  3.  The Guerilla CISO » Blog Archive » CISO's "Book of Death" for June 22nd Says:

    […] Original “Book of Death” is here. Bookmark to: […]

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