Friday Flyfishing Post–Hemlock Overlook

Posted June 8th, 2007 by

It’s just west of Clifton, Va and more of a drive than I thought it would be, but a couple of weeks ago I hit Bull Run (yes, that Bull Run) at Hemlock Overlook. It’s a nice half-mile walk down to the creek, and it’s very well populated with bluegill, smallmouth, largemouth, and monster carp.

The Path Down

I saw the biggest carp of my life at Hemlock Overlook. It was about 40 lbs and was slowly screening food off the undercut bank 10 feet away from me.

Bull Run

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Posted in Flyfish | 1 Comment »

One Response

  1.  Darren Couch Says:

    Did you have any corn or alge patters along? that would have been fun on a #0 weight…

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