The InfoSec D-List and IKANHAZFIZMA

Posted March 3rd, 2010 by

Andrew Hay, aside from being an all-around handsome guy, talked on Tuesday at B-Sides San Francisco about his life on the Information Security D-List.  Bill Brenner picked it up for CSO-Online and now it’s preserved for posterity.  Andrew’s been interviewing D-Listers and blogging the interviews.  They’re awesome inspiration if you’re one of the unsung heroes who go to work, grapple with the compliance hydra or the security operations tarpit all day, and go home to some conference videos so you can learn new skills and move on to the next project.  Yeah, I’m a D-Lister just like you folks, and I have tons of love and respect for all of you.

bware teh a-list kittehs

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