Looking for the Charbo Testimony

Posted June 22nd, 2007 by

Post-Postscript: My response is up at the following url: http://www.guerilla-ciso.com/archives/175

Postscript: Darren Couch provided the URL, sans Q&A: http://homeland.house.gov/hearings/index.asp?ID=65

OK, so DHS CIO, Scott Charbo, got grilled by congress. I can’t find the transcript anywhere, only second-hand information on how it was a beating. If anybody has the actual testimony with the Q&A session, I would love to read it.

Really, so they’ve had some incidents that they found and then corrected. I would be worried about an agency of that size that didn’t have anything happen–obviously they’re not monitoring what’s going on. It’s that anything that is associated with DHS makes people (the press, civil libertarians, congress, etc) freak out.

Not that DHS doesn’t have its problems. As a new agency, they keep building isolated pockets of brilliance but the whole is very much in flux, so as soon as one good thing happens, they shift to another posture which means that they need to rework the old stuff.

Then again, if you hire thousands of people in a couple of years, you’re bound to take the cruft from the other agencies–it’s like the old saying that all the people looking for jobs are the ones you don’t want to hire. =)

At any rate, if somebody locates the transcript with the Q&A, I’ll dedicate my next flyfish or zombie post to you–your pick which one it is.

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Posted in FISMA | 5 Comments »

5 Responses

  1.  LonerVamp Says:

    Can’t say I know where a transcript is, but I do know about the whole freak out thing. Reports this week about a hacker breaking into DHS tend to leave out the fact that “hacker” is a GAO employee whose purpose was to hack/test/evaluate the dept. Talk about different lights!

    But yeah, I’m sure that job role looks great on the resume and as part of a career, but there is no winning as head of DHS or cybersecurity in the gov’t, at least not for many years until we (the media and people) stop being way too dramatic about every lost piece of hardware or incident. It’s no surprise these roles turn over every 9-18 months.

    Personally, as much as a CISO/CSO/Chief can do, they still need solid monkeys down in the back rooms otherwise it is a top-heavy initiative.

  2.  Darren Couch Says:


    I don’t know if this was the incident, but there is a live feed and some pdf’s at the bottom of the page.


  3.  Darren Couch Says:

    LOL, to update, I actually called the number for more information listed below the video feed and had a nice chat with the gentleman there. Who says our government agencies aren’t there for us?

  4.  rybolov Says:

    Yes, they are the clerks for the committee. Amongst other responsibilities, it’s their job to take calls from crazed congressional groupies.

  5.  Darren Couch Says:

    Well, I was told my signed picture of Bennie G. Thompson is in the mail…

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