Senate Homeland Security Hearings and the Lieberman-Carper-Collins Bill

Posted June 16th, 2010 by

Fun things happened yesterday.  In case you hid under a rock, the Intertubes were rocking yesterday with the thudding of fingera on keyboard as I live-tweeted the Senate Homeland Committee’s hearing on “Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset: Comprehensive Legislation for the 21st Century”.  And oh yeah, there’s a revised version of S.3474 that includes some of the concepts in S.773.  Short version is that the cybersecurity bills are going through the sausage factory known as Capitol Hill and the results are starting to look plausible.

You can go watch the video and read the written testimonies here.  This is mandatory if you’re working with FISMA, critical infrastructure, or large-scale incident response.  I do have to warn you, there are some antics afoot:

  • Senator Collins goes all FUD on us.
  • Senator McCain grills Phil Reitinger if DHS can actually execute a cybersecurity mission.
  • Alan Paller gets all animated and opens up boxes of paperwork.  I am not amused.

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Posted in FISMA, Public Policy, Risk Management | 2 Comments »

2 Responses

  1.  Mike Nelson Says:

    I watched it live and followed your live tweets. It was all interesting theater. Paller… the Carrot Top of InfoSec.

  2.  Tweets that mention Senate Homeland Security Hearings and the Lieberman-Carper-Collins Bill | The Guerilla CISO -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by rybolov and Mike Nelson, alex knorr. alex knorr said: Senate Homeland Security Hearings and the Lieberman-Carper-Collins Bill: Fun things happened yesterday.  In case y… […]

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