CISOin’ Ain’t Easy, But It’s a Living

Posted October 28th, 2008 by

This is an article in Federal Computer week that’s fairly obvious to anybody who’s ever been any kind of security manager in Government:  it’s a hard job.  Realistically, you have to have such a wide range of skills that it’s hard to find people who can do it all.  It’s even worse if you have a couple subpar managers working under you.

I’ve said it a million times, I’ll say it again, in the public sector, a CISO spends 80% of their time doing basic project management and personnel management, and only 20% doing anything that could remotely be called “security”.

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2 Responses

  1.  Darren Couch Says:

    Is that 80% akin to keeping your “pimp hand” strong?

  2.  rybolov Says:

    Makes me wonder if pimps spend 80% of their day doing project managent and personnel management and only 20% on the actual act of pimpin’. =)

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