Archived for the World to See: SP 800-26

Posted May 19th, 2008 by

CAVEAT:  This document is dangerous!  See this post before you go any further.  You have been warned!


It stands to reason that one of my recurring search strings in my blog stats is people looking for a copy of NIST SP 800-26.  I even have commenters looking for it.  We like commenters enough to give them what they want, don’t we?

So I thought long and hard until my thinker was sore, asked some friends, and puzzled a bit more about why people would be so interested in a document that is, like Latin, dead.

My resident curmudgeon (yes, even a BSOFH needs a role model from time to time), Vlad the Impaler, offered up the suggestion:  That state and local governments need it because they’re usually 5-10 years behind the Federal Government.  Even then, I don’t get it, and with a shrug, I’ll leave it at that.

Anyway, I’ve uploaded the most recent version here (foo.pdf caveat applies).  I got the file in an email from Vlad, so he’s the one you should really thank.  In the spirit of complete irony, this file could become the #1 download for me. =)


CAVEAT:  This document is dangerous!  See this post before you go any further.  You have been warned!

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