Posted May 1st, 2007 by

Why, out of all things, did they name the domain DILLIGAF? I still wonder to this day….

Our managed-services infrastructure was built by somebody else–temporary engineering labor from another business unit inside the company. They named the domain DILLIGAF.

For those of you not in the know, DILLIGAF is not a good word, it’s one of those quasi-military acronyms like “FUBAR”. It means the following:

  • Do
  • I
  • Look
  • Like
  • I
  • Give
  • A
  • F*ck?

Yes, we had some top-notch engineers working for us. Filthy buggers continued to charge us after they were done, too.

First time I heard the domain name, I got mad. Real mad. Reach out over the phone and hit somebody mad. I thought the guy just told me to go RTFM or something along those lines: “Oh, that server is part of the DILLIGAF domain.” Well, same to you, buddy.

But how can I explain the domain to my customers? “And this is where your data goes into the DILLIGAF network, where we take the utmost in care on how it is treated.” Answer is, I can’t say that with a straight face.

We had to change the domain. That’s an outage I gladly authorized. =)

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Posted in Army, The Guerilla CISO | 6 Comments »

6 Responses

  1.  rybolov Says:

    Postscript is that these guys also used a couple other good names that I hadn’t known about until today….


  2.  Vlad the Impaler Says:

    I would personally do something creative like…. I dunno, share this with their bosses?

    If that didn’t work, I would stuff a banana in their tailpipe.

  3.  rybolov Says:

    Their boss knew and encouraged this behavior. You know him too, Vlad.

  4.  Darren Couch Says:

    What was their major malfunction? These guys sound like they need some wall to wall counseling.

  5.  The Guerilla CISO » Blog Archive » In This Corner, the Business Reference Model Says:

    […] Now that we know how the government is supposed to work, I know what you’re thinking:  how does this pass the “Dilligaf test?” […]

  6.  The Guerilla CISO » Blog Archive » Turning Routers into Firewalls Says:

    […] it’s that you’re replacing a router with a firewall, maybe it’s that you had some doofuses who set up the firewall as a “Default Allow” in the first […]

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