Evolving the Physical Hacking at Security Conferences

Posted November 22nd, 2010 by

There has been a fun evolution at hacker conference for the past couple of years: the inclusion of hackerspaces.  Hackerspaces fit nicely into the hacker ethos.  But I’ve also heard grumblings via the tubes about the relevance of projects that they bring to hacker conferences, something along the lines of “Why has every security conference turned into a Maker Faire” (TM OReilly or somebody like that).  The behind-the-scenes info is that each hackerspace has their own feel and what kind of projects they’re “into” and you get what the local hackerspace brings.  While I consider hackerspaces booths at security cons to be pretty awesome, I have some suggestions for steering things back on track.

Things I would like to see in a petting zoo (yes, an “Evil Petting Zoo” and this is by no means an exhaustive list):

  • RFID widgets and software
  • Mag stripe readers
  • Barcode readers/writers (Duh, I can help out here)
  • Wifi stupid pet tricks
  • Bluetooth
  • WRT Routers
  • Smartcards and readers/writers
  • Single-board/mini computers

Of course, if you’re into any of these and have the hardware, software, or know-how, there is nothing keeping you from teaming up with hackerspaces at conferences and bringing some of your toys.  Sharing is caring, y’alls.  =)

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Posted in Hack the Planet, Rants, Technical | 1 Comment »

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    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by rybolov, novainfosec and alex knorr, James Payne. James Payne said: Evolving the Physical Hacking at Security Conferences http://goo.gl/fb/xhtSH […]

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