More Vendor Spam

Posted July 11th, 2007 by

Goodie, more security vendor spam today. Do people really think that spamming security people with security products actually works?  I almost always get spam on two types of products:  compliance tools and hard drive encryption solutions.  Makes me think that maybe this segment of the marketplace isn’t the most honest around, which poses problems in an industry based on personal integrity.

Dear Rybolov,

This message is meant for your information security and compliance team, and discusses enterprise strategies for encrypting laptop hard drives and controlling usage of removable storage devices, including USB drives, iPods, PDAs and smartphones. Please feel free to forward it as appropriate.

Increased usage of laptops and devices has extended the security perimeter of your organization. They allow sensitive information to leak out, unauthorized files to flow in, and are very often misplaced, lost or stolen. The good news is there are now solutions available for enterprises to centrally manage, control and encrypt these devices.

My name is <withheld> with <withheld>, an IT security firm specializing in data lifecycle security. Recently, some of the largest financial, healthcare, and government organizations in the U.S. have implemented solutions for encrypting hard drives and controlling removable storage devices.

Please review our website for more information: <withheld>. I am also able to schedule technical demonstrations for the appropriate individuals on your security team.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and I look forward to hearing from you soon.



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