Election Year Follies

Posted September 19th, 2007 by

Here inside the beltway we have a wonderful tradition every 4 years:  Election Year Follies.

For those of you not up on current events, Election Year Follies have started a year early, with the Democratic-held Congress messing with the Republican-held White House.  It’s not a good year to be a political appointee.

I’m waiting to see what really happens next year when they’re all too exhausted from playing games and still have to campaign.  This brings me to one of my favorite quotes:

“To retain respect for sausages and laws, one must not watch them in the making.” –Otto von Bismark (ref: Wikipedia)

Now of course, we all care what this has to do with security, right?  My corollary to OvB is that people who like security products and IT products in general should never see them being made.  I think it’s more often true than not.

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