
Posted November 13th, 2007 by

I have two things happening this week.

First thing is I got my 5-year award from my company on Monday. I got a plaque and a watch and somehow I’m an anomaly, a security guy in the DC area who’s been with the same company for longer than 2 years. But like I tell people, I cheated a little by taking a “one-year paid vacation” to “someplace sunny” in “exotic Asian locales”. =)

Second thing is that on Friday I’ll be “officially smart” by having a degree. Yes, it’s a BS in Liberal Studies with a focus in Russian but at least it clears me for the next couple of hurdles–GSA schedule and billable rates being the first one.

Think I’m incorrigible now, just wait. But hey, isn’t that how the Straw Man got smart? Anyway, in the spirit of the Straw Man, something about this movie makes me echo the one comment that it has: “wtf?” but something about it makes me chuckle and think that I have to put it here, junk or not:

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Posted in Odds-n-Sods, The Guerilla CISO, Zombies | 4 Comments »

4 Responses

  1.  shrdlu Says:

    Congratulations on both counts! Your reward for good behavior is that you get to stick around and do it some more. 😉

  2.  mini-me Says:

    Long term is 5 years? I tought long term means you stay at a company long enough for a performance reivew???

  3.  rybolov Says:

    Well, we all know you’re a job-hopper, mini-me. =)

  4.  Darren Couch Says:

    Right On! Looks like the civilian establishment has finally decided you (paid enough money)earned your “smarts”! Ask for a raise! 😉

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