My New Fan Club

Posted May 16th, 2007 by

Somebody in SE Virginia has been spreading my name around, and now it feels like I have a new fan club down there.

We have a couple data centers and projects in the Hampton Roads area (Norfolk, Chesapeake, Hampton) .  They got my name from another one of our data centers that I interact with regularly.

Now I’m getting emails from people I’ve never met before looking for help with this FISMA thing or help with a DR/COOP  proposal.  I even fielded one call about clearances while I was looking for bits of fur at the local flyshop.  I think the more I help them out, the more calls I get from that area.

Which brings up my personal consulting policy.  If it takes up less than 30 minutes or so of my time, I’m always free for a call or email.  Any amount of time over that, you need dedicated help and probably need to contract somebody to do it.

I still get the occasional call from people I taught a year ago asking for help with a particularly tricky problem.  It’s nice to feel needed from time to time. =)

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Posted in The Guerilla CISO | 1 Comment »

One Response

  1.  halon73 Says:

    Any time you want to throw some soft balls my way feel free! Us kiddies got to eat too!

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