Speaking Again

Posted March 28th, 2008 by

Potomac Forum is holding a 5-Fridays FISMA Fellows Class in May and June.  Of course, I’ll be speaking/teaching and so will some of the other characters you see on my blog.

Hasty Agenda, you can get more info on the Potomac Forum site:

  • Day 1:  Introduction, Determining Boundaries, Inventory, and Data Criticality
  • Day 2: Controls, 800-53, Security Planning
  • Day 3: Security Test and Evaluation, Risk Management
  • Day 4: The Entire Process of Certification and Accreditation, CPIC, Accreditation Packages
  • Day 5: COOP, Patch Management, and Graduation Ceremony

The one caveat is that it’s open only to Government employees.

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