Friday Flyfishing Post: A Tale of 2 Bass Flies

Posted March 13th, 2009 by

So A weekend ago I went and attempted to fish the C&O canal at Great Falls.  I say “attempted” because there was one small glitch in my plans: they drained all the water out of the canal to do maintenance on the locks.  Makes it hard to fish, doesn’t it? However, one of these days I’ll finally catch one of those ZOMG HUGE BASS! I’ve seen in the canal.

Anyway……   check out these flies made by Chad Schiel and Emerge Flyfishing.  They’re completely crazy!

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Posted in Flyfish | 3 Comments »

3 Responses

  1.  Darren Couch Says:

    That frog imitation is amazing! Now I needs to find a nice warmwater area round these parts…

  2.  rybolov Says:

    Float tube, Willamette River sloughs. Trick is finding access.

    Look for old river channels like this:,-105.029297&sspn=52.222565,70.576172&ie=UTF8&ll=44.147078,-123.119402&spn=0.022972,0.034461&t=h&z=15

  3.  Darren Couch Says:

    right on! I’ll find some up close here to Dundee.

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