Friday Flyfishing Post: A Tale of 2 Bass Flies

Posted March 13th, 2009 by

So A weekend ago I went and attempted to fish the C&O canal at Great Falls.  I say “attempted” because there was one small glitch in my plans: they drained all the water out of the canal to do maintenance on the locks.  Makes it hard to fish, doesn’t it? However, one of these days I’ll finally catch one of those ZOMG HUGE BASS! I’ve seen in the canal.

Anyway……   check out these flies made by Chad Schiel and Emerge Flyfishing.  They’re completely crazy!

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Friday Flyfishing Post

Posted January 30th, 2009 by

Believe it or not, I get emails from people (Hi Steve!) wondering why I don’t post fishing blog entries anymore.

Well, I’ve been a little obsessive on the work front.  These things happen, or so I hear.  I did, however, get out in early January for some cold-weather fishing.

I have to get out at least once every Christmas break to go fish, more often than not on Christmas Day.  Typically you go to a tailwater, someplace below a dam where the water levels are fairly stable.  Gunpowder Falls is a good fishery for this in the DC area, but I’ve also done it on the South Platte in Colorado and the Row, Willamette, and Middle Fork of the Willamette in Oregon.  It’s brutally cold to be standing in the water, and you have to stop every 5 minutes to get the ice off your rod. You suffer all day long and maybe pick up a couple fish a little bit after noon during the “warm” part of the day, and then everything stops–time to go visit someplace with warm food.

I emailed a hasty trip report to the guys at Backwater Angler and they posted it for me.  You can catch the whole set of photos in a flickr photo set.  I’m especially enamored of the pretty red dots on the adipose fin of the brownies I caught.

Gunpowder Brownie photo by ME!

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