Communicating the Value of Security Seminar Preview

Posted July 17th, 2009 by

Actually this is all a little bit strange to comprehend, I’m not sure I get it all, but here goes…

So my friend Michael Santarcangelo sold his palatial estate, put his wordly posessions in storage somewhere in upstate NY state, and packed up his family in an RV and is travelling around the US giving a series of seminars on “Communicating the Value of Security”.  I’ve met Michael, and he’s not a patchouli-smelling hippie looking for inner truth or some kind of weird traveling salesman, he’s just a really smart guy who’s passionate about what he does.

And he’s coming to Northern Virginia on the 25th to bring you BBQ, pool, and a seminar on how to communicate with non-security folks.  There’s a trivial cost to pay for the food.  It’s also a family event, and there’s no extra cost for your family to come along, although when Michael sees how much my teenage daughters eat, he’ll probably charge me at least an extra $50 bucks.

Get the full set of information here.  Sign up and give it a try.

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